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GDK16 Digital Telephone



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GDK 16
The GDK16 Digital Telephone System incorporates state of the art digital technology to give you complete control over your communications, as well as providing access to ISDN, which is already bringing advantages to many larger users.

This system also offers the benefits of ISDN2 to companies who have smaller system requirements, and is also ideal for satellite offices and residential applications.

Up To 16 Extensions
The GDK16 system will support up to 12 extensions as standard, with an additional 4 extensions becoming available with the optional Extra Device Port.

Least Cost Routing
With it’s Automatic Route Selection feature, the GDK16 becomes extremely flexible and can route your calls via any number of carriers to take advantage of the lowest cost of any particular call at any particular time.

For information concerning this benefit for all business telephone users, please see our TML Least Cost Routing page for full details of least cost routing services.

When used in conjunction with ISDN, additional benefits such as Direct Dialling In to any extension, Call Forwarding to any remote telephone and Calling Line Identification can maximise the efficiency of your company telecommunications.

For further information about the advantages to your business when you utilise ISDN technology, please see our ISDN page.

Ideal for the Small and medium Business
The LGIC GDK16 incorporates many features that make it an ideal choice for the smaller business or local branch of any large organisation.


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